Saturday, June 27, 2015

We've Got A Lot To Do!

...Is it one lump or two?

Thanks Mrs. Potts for my post title.

Hello all!

Today, I checked my Disney College Program countdown and realized I have 65 days until check-in! SIXTY FIVE DAYS. Which means in 62 days, my roommate Kelsey and I will be making the road trip down to Florida! 62 days sounds like a lot of time left, but with my busy summer schedule, I'm beginning to worry that I won't have nearly as much time to prepare as I would like. I work Monday through Friday for 11 hours each day. When I get home, I either pass out or have plans immediately after work. And on the weekends, I try to maintain my social life by going out with friends.

So what exactly do I even need to do to prepare?

Obviously I need to pack. But there's tons of things I need to buy -- my Traditions outfit, professional clothing, my Halloween costumes, things for the apartment, new clothes and possibly a new camera. Then when everything is bought, I have to organize them and get them ready to take down. All while packing as lightly as possible so everything can fit into Kelsey's car.

Am I stressed? You could say that. But excited for sure! I guess I should start!

I hope you all have a magical day, and I'll see ya real soon! :)


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